The Little Black Dress is All You Need

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Today is the last day of a year long endeavor called the Uniform Project. One women was inspired to prove that we really don’t need to run out and buy the latest clothing items to look and feel great. She chose to wear the same little black dress everyday for a year, starting May 1st, 2009. She then asked for people to donate accessories that were re-purposed, recycled and ready for a new home. Showing that we can all enjoy a little fashion fun, while literally wearing the same thing everyday. All this effort seems to be a good message in itself, but the real purpose was to raise awareness and money for a program in India to send children to school through the Akanksha’s School Project. As I write about this she has managed to raise over 78, 000 dollars, which translates into 217 kiddos going to school for a year. How exciting!

Nothing like a good montage to show just how creative this lady really is:

Uniform Project Picture Book from The Uniform Project on Vimeo.

Thinking of You,




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