The more I make my way through this thing we call Life, the more I’m realizing that things don’t really work the way I thought they would. This is not a bad thing. I’ll explain.…
Tagged By motherhood
Winter Bucket List
I like that Linz did an update on the progress of her fall bucket list. If you asked me, I would have said I failed miserable this season, but when I actually look at it,…
Fall Bucket List Progress
It’s been too long since we’ve talked. But with learning what it’s like to be a working-outside-the-home-mom, caring for a teething babe, and trying to not drop off the face of the earth as a…
Letters: Maternity Leave Ramblings
Hey, Jess! I am currently sitting in my living room with a baby (my baby) on my lap. He’s asleep and I’m not going to move him. Partly because he looks so peaceful, but mostly…
Guest Blogger: Where Motherhood and Fashion Collide
I’m so happy to have one of our favorite bloggers, Sara from Our Yuppie Life and Ladytroupe Sweets, guest write for our fashion theme. Sara’s blog is filled with beautiful moments with her adorable girls,…