Sprucing Up Furniture

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One of my goals for this past year was to take an ugly piece of furniture and transform it into something with a bit more charm. As I mentioned yesterday, my new apartment could use some extra decoration TLC, so this seemed like the perfect opportunity.
I started with this gem from the a thrift store for about $8. Our living room was in need of an end table to hold all of our lovely odds and of course ends.


To start, I lightly sanded the entire thing and wiped it down to remove all the dust and dirt. I then sprayed the entire piece with a primer. I was expecting this part and painting to be a problem as there are lots of angles and cuts outs. It turned out to be quite simple to maneuver around and the worry was all for not.




My next step was to paint the end table. I used left over paint I had from painting a room at my parent’s house, as it was a neutral color, which I thought would work well and the ever convenient price of free.



The real fun in the whole project was adding a design. I knew I wanted to add only a few extras, so I was able to go to a home painting store and buy just what I needed in the sample section. I bought three different small bottles of paint for only $2 a piece.
 I painted a vine type design on opposite sides of the stand, along with the same design on two rows on the top.

I’m really happy with the end results. I feel like I accomplished all of my goals with this project:
1) Tried my hand at transforming a piece of furniture
2) Did not spend a significant amount of money. About $15 total for the table and supplies
3) Functional addition to the living room




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