I had so fun re-creating some of my past Halloween looks on Polyvore that I ended up coming up with even more ideas. This was fun as I fantasized about the possible clothes items I “needed”. A blue cocktail dress with a full skirt, yep need that.
This is one of my favorite ideas from this collection. Other people remember Ms. Frizzle from the Magic School Bus, right? This idea came to me because I actually tried on that Anthropologie dress on sale for $30 and almost bought it. You know what stops you from buying things at the mall when you shouldn’t, forgetting your wallet at home. Still a little bummed not to own that dress. Really the ideas for a Ms. Frizzle costume are endless, you could pretend the field trip is to the beach with this sea glass look or to a zoo or a cat shelter with an animal motif. Or I love the idea of just dressing up like a crazy cat lady. Plus you could make your own cat loafers.
Did anyone else go through a ‘Clockwork Orange’ phase? The summer I was 16 and read the book I decided to incorporate the made up vernacular into my vocabulary. I’m sure that was annoying for my mother to put up with. I would re-use everything in this costume again, expect maybe the white pants. I don’t really see myself as a white pants person, but seems like a good chance to try dying pants. Mint green would be fun.
So, this was actually my costume when I was 17. Yeah, my mother wasn’t too please I decided to be Mia Wallace, but alas it was a cute outfit. I don’t even think any of my other friends had seen the movie at this point, but it was one of my favorites. The wig really made the outfit.
Still in need of more ideas for Halloween? Check out Sarah’s blog Cable Car Couture. I love the Halloween ideas she has been coming up with. Her costume of Effie Trinket is A-Mazing! I would love to hear what ideas people are thinking about or end up doing.
October 18, 2012 7:35 pm
Jess, you are such a sweetheart to give me a shoutout! I absolutely love the idea of getting creative and shopping your closet for Halloween costume ideas. It’s definitely the way to go. I have a Katniss Everdeen costume coming up that I think you are going to LOVE!
Cable Car Couture