Produce Tree

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Almost a year ago Linz and I were in a Christmas store with friends admiring all the lovely decorations. We were noticing how many of the Christmas trees had themes to them, all one color, ballerina(!), fishing, and so on. Linz said she would love a tree that was all produce themed. I, of course, could not get this idea out of my head and have finally completed a little produce tree.
Making it was very simple. I used felt, embroidery floss, and stuffing to give each piece a little curve. I then used embroidery floss to hang each one.

Here are the fruit and veggies I made for the tree: watermelon, blueberry, strawberry, orange, pear, banana, grapes, cherries, grapefruit, potato, eggplant, radish,  green peas, corn and a carrot.