I’m a little surprised I can even write a Foodie Friday post today considering Linz and I have been in a sugar coma. I have some how managed to eat a lot of sweets lately,…
Recent Posts
Dr. Seuss Party
This time of year I’ve noticed the our Jim Henson party post becomes very popular. People are on the hunt for homemade costumes and the themed parties Linz and I have with our friends are…
Makeover Monday: Smile Necklaces
There might be a better name for these necklaces, but I think they end up looking like mouths and smiles, which I rather like. This is another easy jewelry tutorial. Before I left for Baltimore…
Q&A Sunday: Leggings, are they “in” or “out”?
Question from Linz: Jess, Are leggings out? They came “in” a few years ago, and I love how comfortable they are, so I don’t really want to let them go… Answer from Jess: Linz, I…
Foodie Friday: Chocolate Ganache Baby Gender Reveal Cake
After completing my Master’s program in August, I have been wrapped up in a baking frenzy. Luckily, my friends and family have indulged this new passion and let me bake things for them (good for…
Shop Your Closet for Costumes, Part Deux
I had so fun re-creating some of my past Halloween looks on Polyvore that I ended up coming up with even more ideas. This was fun as I fantasized about the possible clothes items I…
Halloween Costumes from Your Closet
It is no surprise that around these parts Linz and I love dress up. Of course Halloween is the perfect time for just that. At the same time I work very hard to not buy…
Makeover Monday: Bunny Rabbit Patch Tights
I am in love with the trend in tights right now for bright colors and whimsical designs. Which is why when I saw these cat knee pads by jenloveskev I knew I had to try…
Q&A Sunday: Denim Skirts & Work
Question from Jess: Are jean skirts and dresses acceptable to wear to work? I’ve also seen a lot of cute outfits with skirts and the chambray shirt, what do you think about that in a business…
Foodie Friday: Homemade Snickers Bars
Is anyone else surprised that we are almost mid-way through October? Halloween feels right around the corner and wrapped mini candy bars are everywhere. If you want to satisfy your sweet tooth, but enjoy a…
Quick & pretty makeover for chipped nail polish
Sometimes painting my nails doesn’t even seem worth the effort because I know I’ll end up chipping the polish within 48 hours. Then I’ll just be the lady walking around with chipped nail polish…because you…
Q&A Sunday: Dressing like a professional & feeling your age
Are you as excited as I am about this new series? Here’s my first question to answer: Question from Linz: How can I dress professionally without looking too much older than I am? Answer: While Linz and…
Foodie Friday: Ombre Baby Gender Reveal Cake
Jess and I have been lucky to be surprised with the pregnancies of two of our best lady-friends recently: Mariko and Erin. We are over the moon with joy for both of them (and their…
Sweet Athena Freebie: October Wallpaper
1680 x 1050 / 1440 x 900 / 1280 x 1024 / 1024 x 768 / iphone4 / iphone5 / phone Autumn is upon us, which I’m having a hard time believing because we happen…
Q&A Sunday: Wearing sheer to work
As Jess mentioned last week, we are starting a brand new series here at Sweet Athena called “Q&A Sundays” in which we will be answering each other’s questions through weekly posts. Because we’re in the…
Foodie Friday: Homemade Salsa
You know how there are foods in life that come in a wide variety and you can either love all the many choices and techniques (ice cream for me) or for you there is only…
Makeover Monday: T-Shirt with Bleach Design
Since seeing Jess and lots of other crafty people use bleach to create a design on t-shirts, I have been looking to try the technique myself. The primary issue I’ve been having lately in doing…
New series ahead: Q&A
For as long as Linz and I have been friends we have been hatching plans, schemes and ideas with one another. High school assignments together would more often feel like an excuse to spend the…
Foodie Friday: Classic Carrot Birthday Cake
The more I become fixed into this stage called “adulthood,” the stranger it seems sometimes. I’ve been thinking a lot lately about how growing up forces changes in my relationships with family members. People with…
Makeover Monday: Beaded Chain Ring
This is a bit of a cheat of a Makeover Monday post as all materials here are new. But I feel fine about it because A) I like breaking rules, even if they are ones…