My first adventure in South America

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Hi! I’m back from my hiatus in Ecuador. The trip was an overall amazing experience, but one thing I was really excited to check out was all the handmade goods. I was not disappointed in this endeavor and saw and bought plenty of beautifully hand crafted items.

I went to Otavalo, which has the largest outdoor market in South America!!! (It makes you giddy just thinking of the possibilities, right?) Sadly it was a very rainy day, so much shopping was done, but I didn’t get any really good pictures of what the market looks like.

As for some of my purchases, I bought a lot of jewelry made of native seed or wood. I was impressed with how versatile the seeds were in making jewelry using different colors and dyes. I also bought tradition Kichwa jewelry, which is a gold necklace made from glass and a beaded coral colored bracelet on each wrist.

During the trip we visited a native tribe known as the Tsachilas. They are attempting to preserve their culture and future by giving tours of their customs and culture it was an enlighting and special experience. One of the things we did at their home was learn how they make their traditonal skirts, bags and belts.

I also visited the museum of Guayasamin, one of Ecuador’s most famous artist. I didn’t know about him before this trip, but am in love with his work and passion now. I bought some painted replicas which I am excited to frame and put up.

adiós amigos

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