Makeover Monday: Travel Cards




Here is another simple way to add a personal touch to the gifts you give your friends and family. It really doesn’t even need a tutorial.  cards5

While in India I really cleaned out when it came to buying gifts for people. There were so many beautiful things and everything is quite inexpensive. However when I came home I realized that I would be needing to mail most of the items I purchased as all my loved ones sadly do not live in the same place as me. I did not want to just put the gifts in a box and ship them off. I thought it would be nice to attach a card with a little explanation as to why I thought such and such trinkette was perfect for them.


Enter my opportunity to use all those photos I took for something other than sitting on my computer. I purchased premade blank cards and sized each picture to fit on the card. Simple. My favorite was when I had purchased tea for a few friends and was able to give them a card with the tea plantations of Munnar on the front. It was nice to be able to show that this was the actual place I purchased the tea for them.




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