Makeover Monday: Pop of Color to Hairpins

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I recently saw the movie ‘What’s Your Number?‘ with Anna Faris. There was an awesome line in the movie where Faris’ character talks about not attending her high school reunion because she was growing out her bangs. Then comments how she always seems to be growing out her bangs. I loved it because it occurred to me that more often than not I am also growing out my bangs!!! It made me realize how much time I spend waiting for my bangs to get just a little longer. While in this awkward phase a girl needs to be friends with a variety of hair clips. While I own lots of different hairpins, they are all very boring in color. That is until I discovered the power of nail polish!

This project could not be easier or cheaper. Simply raid your bathroom of hairpins you are tired of and nail polish you love and paint away. Depending on the color you may have to add a couple of layers. Now if I can only remember this post the next time I’m thinking of getting bangs again.

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