Makeover Monday: Mad Men Brooch


Watching Mad Men serves two purposes for me, it has the entertainment factor, but I also tend to swoon over the fashion. While I would love to dive into making more than one dress inspired by outfits on the show, I have yet to find the time for such a task. Until then I can quench my thirst with accessories. I saw a tutorial at Mad in Crafts for a brooch like Joan Holloway wears.  
To make my brooch I used a combination of one large vintage brooch and a vintage clip on earring. I liked the variety the varied sizes created. Since the larger brooch already had a pin, I simply attached two jewelry chains to the brooch. I used jump rings to attach them to an outside ring on the brooch. If your brooch does not have an easy place for the jump ring, it can also be placed on the safety pin part of the brooch. I varied the placement of each chain so it stood out a bit more, but this is personally preference. Make sure one chain is longer than the other or else they will blend in with each other two much. For the clip on earring, I removed the clip on the back with wire clutters. I then attached a pin back with gorilla glue. I then used one jump ring to attach both chains to the smaller brooch. 

If you are in search of more lovelies in the same vain, this tutorial for Joan’s infamous pen necklace might be just what you need.



2 Responses

  1. Emi

    October 5, 2012 12:27 am

    Wow, this looks super hot!! It’ll look perfect on winter coat, too – I must try it with my vintage brooches now 🙂

  2. Jess

    October 7, 2012 4:17 pm

    I never thought to put it on a coat, but you are right. New accessory for winter! Let me know if you end up making any and what you think.

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