Makeover Monday: Holiday Gift Ideas


Fleece Scarves

I realize that many people find this this time of year to be quite annoying to be talking about Christmas before Thanksgiving has even hit. While others look for the chance to celebrate for as long as possible. Either way, if you love giving homemade gifts then you know that you have to start working on them early. I therefore thought it would be fun to highlight some of the projects Linz and I have done over the years as gifts for our friends and family.

Holiday Gift Ideas
 If you are looking to make a little accessory bling for someone, we have quite a number of ideas.
Gifts for the Home

//Pens by Crafty Mariko//Chalkboard Candles//Produce Tree//Photo Collage Tray//Fabric Bowls//Family Tree//

I’m curious how much of the gifts you give are homemade versus store bought? How far in advance do you start making things?



4 Responses

  1. Sara

    November 13, 2012 3:25 am

    I think the fleece scarves would be nice with fringe cut at the bottom or a little button sewn on the painted design. I think my girls would love to make these!

    • Linz

      November 16, 2012 8:41 am

      Those tweaks would definitely make the scarves extra-special. I still have a few hanging around in my craft drawers, so I might play around with adding buttons or beads myself!

  2. Liza

    November 13, 2012 1:06 pm

    Great ideas! I just got some fleece throws from Ikea that I was planning on doing some basic embroidery on for some family/friends, but the fabric paint may be easier time-wise. I think the painted bobby pins will also make an appearance for some friends this year too. There’s one nail polish brand that sells little bottles for 99 cents — perfect for when I don’t want a whole bottle, but enough for a project like the bobby pins!

    • Linz

      November 16, 2012 8:43 am

      Liza, I never even thought of adding the design on blankets, but that’s brilliant! Also, those 99 cent bottles are a good idea because you can get more colors. And more colors are always better. : )

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