Makeover Monday: Braided Bracelet

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I can’t believe how easy this bracelet is to whip up. I had seen a couple of tutorials on how to make braided necklaces and was trying my hand at that, when my mom saw my work in progress and said she thought it was a cute bracelet. I’m pretty sure I started to give one of those exasperated, “No mom, you don’t get it, it’s a neck—,” and then I realized she was right. It would make a super cute bracelet as well.


I’m not going to re-state the tutorial here on how to work the beads together because at this point I have seen it all over the web and included a couple of links. I will say it is really easy to do and I love that you can mix the bead color or go with all one color. Either way creates a fun look. For making the bracelet version just make sure you make the tread slightly longer than it takes to go around your wrist. Once you have strung together the beads, simply attach the clasp, instead of the chain like you would to make the necklace. I love how simple it is.
