My Grandmother recently gave me a fun box of some of her costume jewelry. There were a couple of things which were in need of a little extra TLC. These beads for instance were part of a necklace that had broken apart. Instead of re-creating the same design by stringing them all together, I decided to make a longer necklace by looping wire through each one and connecting them.
-jewelry wire cutters
-jewelry round nose pliers
To connect beads cut the desired length of chain you would like for each bead. I don’t like to give exact lengths because I think it is better to decide the length you think looks good. Place bead in the middle of wire and fold wire into bead to create a loop on one side. Then do the same on the other side. If you like the length and look of the bead (less wire means a smaller loop) then undo that one and use it as a guide for length for the rest of the beads.
To hook the beads together create a loop on each side for one bead then place that loop around the wire of the next bead before creating the loop. Then create the loop with the other loop inside of it, creating a connecting chain. When you have your desired length attach the last loop on each side to the chain. And volia! An easy way to salvage beads that need a new home.