Letters: Maternity Leave Ramblings

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Hey, Jess!

I am currently sitting in my living room with a baby (my baby) on my lap. He’s asleep and I’m not going to move him. Partly because he looks so peaceful, but mostly because my maternity leave is dwindling and I’m trying to savor every single moment I have with him. Cue the teary eyes. Ulgh! One week to go.


I am looking forward to going back to work. Once I get past the initial flood of overwhelming feelings caused by my email inbox and not knowing what the heck is going on, I’m excited to see everyone, to feel productive, and to get dressed in the morning in normal-people clothes. Still, I’m anxious. I don’t know how Murphy will do with daycare. Will he sleep/eat/play all to his liking? Will I send enough milk? Diapers? Will I be able to actually come and feed him during lunch like I want to? Also, I’ve been known to get wrapped up at work…not really sure if I can keep that in check. To keep this whirlwind of worry going, I have no idea how I’ll be able to cook meals/blog/clean house when I’m at home. Pretty sure I’ll just want to play with Murph instead.

I know all of my worries are common ones. I should feel good with the fact that millions of parents work through this. Right now, though, it’s all I can think about.

This wasn’t supposed to be a downer letter. So let’s talk about all of the ways I’ve been celebrating these last days of leave instead. I’ve been having a great time, and I’m trying to make the most of it.

Last week, in addition to seeing my favorities (Hanson) for something like the tenth time, I saw and got to meet Paul McDonald from season ten/the best season of American Idol. Paul was delightful on TV, and even better in person. (This was actually the second time I saw him perform, since we saw him on the Idol tour a few years back. Oh, this paragraph is riddled with semi-guilty confessions!) I loved Paul’s set so much that I had to buy one of his band’s albums: The Grand Magnolias. It’s lovely and I can’t stop playing it.


As babies do, Murph is getting bigger and more active every day. Being his mom, I’m enthralled with every single change in him. Lately, he’s been grabbing more and more things. Tummy time isn’t the torture he used to think it was. He giggles like crazy when I tickle him. Plus, he got a new toy that allows him to stand up, which is pretty much his favorite thing to do. Three months have gone by in his life. And now I get what people mean when they say that kids grow up so fast.


I’ve also gotten started on one of my Fall Bucket List items: decorating the front porch for the season. So far, I’ve made a wreath and planted some yellow and orange mums. I want to fancy it up a bit more, so I’ll save the pictures for the big reveal.

Today, we met up with the grandparents at my favorite brunch place. I love brunch. Even when I make people go when it opens so we don’t have to wait. Even when I mistakenly think the place opens at 8 instead of 9. Still fun! I had roasted tomatoes with bacon, poached eggs, and hollandaise sauce on english muffins today. So good.

One more thing before I go. This. Mac and cheese stuffed in mushrooms sounds like the perfect meal to make before I go back to with, right? Or maybe any time.

Hope painting has been going well! Can’t wait to see all of the “after” pictures.