Hello Again

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We are continuing our check-in with all our favorite themes and have made our way back to nature. Interestingly enough last time I talked about our thematic season of nature for the summer, I mentioned Linz and I no longer get summer breaks. Ha! Oh how things can change in just two years. This week marks the end of my three week summer break before starting back to school for my last term(!). As for Linz, just a couple more weeks and she is about to go on a kind of summer break of her own, also known as maternity leave.

What does this mean for Sweet Athena?! I’m going to be around, but possibly not quite as much, as finding a real adult job with my shiny new degree in social work might take up a lot of my time. Linz is taking a break. She is gonna be a momma and of course her focus will be there. Don’t worry we are not losing the talented Linz long term and if time allows she’ll be popping in. To make up for the changes this season we have a fun surprise for all you loyal readers. Stay tuned, we are excited to share.

P.S. What are the chances you think I can talk Linz into making a different type of vegetable cake while she is at home with the babe?!?