Guest Post: Salted Caramel Cupcakes


salted caramel cupcake

Y’all, we need to talk about something really awesome happening today! I am doing my first guest post over at The Thinking Closet. Lauren is the mastermind behind the blog and while we have never met in person, I am convinced at this point she is one of the nicest people ever. Seriously, you read her blog and tell me you disagree.

As for getting to do a guest post, I feel like a giddy girl about it. Linz and I have been honored to have quite a few awesome writers share their ideas here, including Lauren herself. However, this is the first time we have been invited to write a piece for another blogger.

Lauren has agreed to help us bring in the new theme of food in style and I am sharing a recipe on how to make salted caramel chocolate cupcakes. Well….what are you waiting for? The longer you take to get over there, the longer it will take you to make this tasty treat. Check it out and let me know what you think.


5 Responses

  1. Lauren @ The Thinking Closet

    March 5, 2013 11:32 am

    Thank you SO much for sharing your incredible recipe over at The Thinking Closet today. Seriously, I can’t stop looking at those photos. These cupcakes just look so scrumptious!

    And thank you for your kind words! I’m so humbled. I hope we DO get the chance to meet in real life someday and perhaps sip some chai and feast on salted caramel cupcakes together.

    • Jess

      March 5, 2013 2:30 pm

      Thanks Christine for coming on over saying ‘Hi’ and checking our site out. It’s fun to have new “guests”.

  2. ingrid@nowathomemom

    March 11, 2013 9:37 pm

    Your cupcakes look delicious in these pictures, thanks for sharing your recipe, read your guest post at Lauren’s “The Thinking Closet” and I will make sure to try it this week, an excuse to have chocolate again ! šŸ™‚

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