Foodie Friday: Homemade Salsa

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You know how there are foods in life that come in a wide variety and you can either love all the many choices and techniques (ice cream for me) or for you there is only the best and no other compares. For me, my mom’s salsa is in the second category. Sure there are lots of store bought salsas that are decent, but the simple process of making your own catapults casual chip snaking into an event. Gather some of those last ripe tomatoes of the season and reap the benefits of whipping up this quick dip.

4 to 5 roma tomatoes, peeled or 1 can peeled tomatoes
1 can green chili
cilantro chopped
1 garlic clove
1/2 onion sliced
salt to taste
1 chili, put in only half of the seeds, unless you want to bring the heat

Blend and adjust to taste. This salsa is flexible to different tastes. If you like chunky, blend a little less. Adjust ingredients until you have found your perfect balance. Oh, and Juanita’s have the best chips!


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