Foodie Friday: Jessica’s Blueberry Chicken


Rounding out our week of guest bloggers, we are delighted to have one of our favorite Oregon country girls, Jessica Stokke, share with us one of her best recipes for Foodie Friday. ~Jess & Linz

Oregon country is perfect for growing blueberries! Take my word for it, I grew up on a lovely blueberry farm, and I spent every waking moment of the summer in the berry field. I can tell you the difference between the Earliblue berry (the absolute best taste), the Jersey(excellent for cooking) and a Blueray (size of a quarter). I can pick a full bucket in half an hour, no stems, no earwigs. I can make a blueberry pie with my eyes closed. But there’s only so many blueberry pies and muffins and pancakes one can take, so as I picked buckets and buckets of berries every summer, I was forced to come up with more creative ways to eat them. And so blueberries were added to chicken one summer evening, and I discovered the sweetest, juiciest, most delicious chicken ever!

Fun info:
Blueberries are full of antioxidants, which are super good for your health!
There are lots of “u-pick” farms in Oregon, where you can pick your own berries.
Go in the morning before it gets hot, so your berries won’t squish.
Blueberries are really good at staining everything purple, permanently…

Blueberry Chicken Recipe:
4-6 chicken breasts
1 can (6-oz) frozen orange juice concentrate, thawed
1 cup blueberries (thawed if frozen)
1/4 cup honey
3/4 cup bread crumbs
1/2 cup flour
1 teaspoon paprika
1/4 teaspoon thyme
1/2 teaspoon salt

Combine orange juice concentrate, blueberries, and honey in a shallow dish.

Mix bread crumbs, flour, paprika, thyme, and salt in another shallow dish.

Roll each chicken breast in the juice mixture first, then in the dry mixture, then lay them out in a large baking dish.

Drizzle remaining mixtures over the chicken in the dish.

Bake at 375 for 45-50 minutes.



2 Responses

  1. Erin Kabusreiter-Jones

    February 24, 2012 9:21 am

    Whatever Jess, Linz and Jess recommend for food, always eat it. You will not be disappointed! And always get your blueberries from the Beach Blueberry Farm in Sherwood. Great idea for a meal!

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