Fall Bucket List


Fall Bucket List

I had so much fun coming up with a summer bucket list that I’ve decided to do it again for the fall and get Miss Lindseylu to join me. When thinking about celebrations a seasonal bucket list is the perfect addition. I think the right list is about pushing yourself to try one or two new things, making sure you have things that celebrate the actual season and nothing too complex. I always have a bunch of running life to-do lists (that’s how I roll), but this one should be about ease. More like a friendly reminder of things you want to do, but might slip past you if you don’t put in a little effort.fall bucket list 4

Jess’s List: 
1. Try making apple cider cream pie
2. Sign up to run at least 2 races (Charity 5Ks, Baltimore relay marathon)
3. Go apple and/or pumpkin picking
4. Host a housewarming party featuring my new epic porch while the weather is still nice
5. Attend a fall festival
6. Make a fall music playlist
7. Visit at least 3 museums. The Edgar Allen Poe Museum seems fitting for the fall.
8. Have brunch with bottomless mimosas outside while the weather is still lovely
9. Take a day trip out of the city to explore a new area
10. Hike at least two new trails

Fall Bucket List 3

Linz’s List:

1. Decorate the front of our house for the season
2. Read Gretchen Rubin’s Happier at Home and complete two projects inspired by the book
3. Find a new favorite soup recipe
4. Make Murphy his very first Halloween costume
5. Go on a date with Dale, sans the littlest love of my life (Murph)
6. Get an early start on one of those homemade Christmas gift ideas takes one element I’m always too short on: time
7. Hike at least two new trails (stolen from Jess)
8. Go wine tasting
9. Maintain my very first fantasy football team
10. Discover a new baby-friendly brunch location


4 Responses

  1. Laura

    September 10, 2013 5:27 pm

    You have an epic porch? I hope someday to own my own house with a wrap around porch! If I have to build it onto a house, so be it.

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