Some may feel it is a bit late in the season to be putting up Christmas decoration, but I say nay to that. Decorating puts me in the holiday spirit and I’m happy to do it all season long. Plus I am big advocate of decorations that are also winter seasonal, so you can maximize on time after Christmas with your decor.
Here are some quick and easy projects I have been trying out:
The first one is a Paper Christmas Wreath tutorial from the Red Thread. I will admit I had a bit of trouble getting the paper to roll like I wanted it to, so I ended up going for a flat version of it. I think this was because I used left over wrapping paper which was not a stiff. I am still pleased by how it turned out.
I am also excited by the fact that everything I needed for this project was in my house already (cardboard, ribbon from an old present and the wrapping paper too). Great reason to save wrapping paper for next year to use.
The next decoration I tried this past week is one I’m hoping we can keep up on the windows for a while to give us a winter feel. I got the tutorial from Craft Stylish and it is called, How to Make a Craft Storm. This decoration is about as simple as it gets to make. I decided to go for metallic stickers instead of white and then some thread I had instead of floss. I really like the look, however I do think the thread is a bit harder to untangle than if I had used floss
The last decor adventure was a pompom garland. I was inspired by Elsie Marley‘s blog and her sophisticated take on the pompom look. As much as I liked her classic neural look, I decided our house needed more of a Christmas color feel. So I went for a metallic silver ribbon (are you sensing a theme?) and bright green and red yarn. I like the added pop it adds to our dining room windows.
What Christmas decoration have you made this season?