Crafting Outdoors

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When thinking about combining nature and crafting together for this season my mind jumped to all the ways you could add nature to different projects. I saw imagines of animals, plants and scenery incorporated into varies experiments I had in mind. Yet, crafting and nature go two ways, why not add a little of your creation to Mother Earth. Living in an urban area is the perfect place to add a little creative fun to your outdoor world. While walking the dog around the neighbor I noticed ways in which people have added their own touch to the streets.




One of my favorite outdoor crafters is Color Me Katie. Have you seen her work, it is full of whimsy and magic!




How cute is she!? What artists do you love that use the outdoors as their canvas?


I sign off with a picture of a sculpture of a Corgi in a yard that I often see on my way to the grocery store. A little ode to Linz’s dog Oliver.


One Response

  1. Cookie and Kate

    August 17, 2011 8:19 am

    I would love to encounter those kinds of outdoors crafts. The girl with the balloon by Color Me Katie is definitely my favorite, though! In Bordeaux, there’s a “graffiti” artist that somehow pastes tissue paper into cool animal shapes all around town. I miss seeing his work around.

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