Craft Round Up: Nature Theme

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Linz and I are pumped to tell you about another(!) series we are adding to Sweet Athena. It seems no matter how many crafts we try and create each season, there is always more to take on. That is why the last post of each season we are going to share with you some tutorials we have not had the chance to try, but enjoy.

Floral and plant hairpieces seem like an inevitable nature craft.  This one utilizes my love for felt.
Four Leaf Clover Headband by Dollar Store Crafts
Rocks are a part of nature we did not really explore this season, yet I am very much in love with this necklace and plan on trying to make it soon.


Geometric Necklace by Dismount Creative

Another cute craft using clay. 


Floral Stamped Clay Bangles by Paper, Plate and Plane


 I really cannot decide if I like the gold acorns or the felt ones more. They both hold their own charm (oh, that was so not meant to be a pun).



 Gilded Acorn Charms by Design Sponge
Felted Acorn Ornaments by Crafting A Green World