Craft Round Up: Celebration


It is time to say goodbye to parties, decorations, and notes of love. Adieu to appetizers, drinks, and sweet treats. Okay not really, but we are parting ways with the theme of celebration. As a final adios here are a couple of DIY projects that would be a playful addition to your next par-tay.

How fun are these cake toppers from Studio DIY?

fringeballoon_diy_07 copy

Fringe added to balloons is an adorable decoration trend from the Glitter Guide.


I’m happy to see chalkboard paint is still “in” these days and I think using them as drink labels is a perfect use.


I’m in love with these painted feathers from Aunt Peaches. I might not wait for a party to decorate with these beauties.

It would be remiss of Linz and I if during this time of celebration we did not share with you all how much we appreciate our readers. We have been doing this for almost four years (CRAZY, YO!) and I know we would not have kept it up if it were not for comments, feedback and encouragement from you all. Thanks for all the love. We may not say it often on the blog, but your support makes us do a little happy dance. For reals, for reals.



2 Responses

  1. Lauren @ The Thinking Closet

    February 28, 2013 2:16 pm

    Yay! Great ideas and images in this round-up. I’m SO glad that I got to guest post during your Celebrations season. My post on “The Art of the Surprise Note” ended up being one of my favorite posts…ever, so thatnks for getting those creative juices flowing.

    Can’t wait for the next season and all that it holds for you here at Sweet Athena!

    • Jess

      March 1, 2013 3:09 pm

      Lauren, we loved having you guest post too. It has been one of our most popular posts that we have had, so the feeling is mutual about it being a favorite!!!

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