Break Time

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As I am sure many of you know both Linz and I are at big transition points in our life. Linz is gearing up for her last term before getting her Masters degree (Whoo-hoo!). While I am preparing to move across the country to Baltimore, Maryland to start my Masters of Social Work program. And wouldn’t you know it, they are not just giving these ole masters degrees away, but actually make us work quite hard through out the whole process. We therefore need to take a small break from the blogging world. I know at times you may not hear from us for a couple of weeks, as life gets busy and once things calm down we re-appear, but we thought this time we would let you know up front our plan. We will be working hard on our other life projects and return to the inspirational world of blogging in July. We have lots of supportive and awesome blog readers/friends and hope you understand our little break. We look forward to meeting you back here when the sun is high, the skies are blue and a cold glass of lemonade just makes sense.  ~Jess

P.S. Yes, I just bought an iPhone AND yes I am in LOVE with instagram!
P.S.S. This drink was actually a spiked lemonade with ginger. Spicy Yum!


One Response

  1. Anonymous

    June 25, 2012 7:09 pm

    Im looking for my friend Jess aka Popular Wife. I know you are beyond busy, but please txt me your adress. I want to send you something b4 you leave. -Nini

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