Back in style: Our new/old theme

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It’s been two years since Jess and I announced our blog format of adopting a theme to guide our posts for three months at a time. Since then, we have delved in to areas such as, celebrations, food, nature, and even our own state. It’s been a lot of fun, and when it came time for us to select our next theme, we couldn’t help but think back to the very first theme season (fashion) with some nostalgia. You see, once we wrap up a theme, Jess and I have a hard time leaving it alone. We keep coming up with ideas for the theme and have so far just stored them away for another day.

Today marks a change. Just like styles come in, go out, and come back, we are bringing back “fashion” as our theme for the Fall.

Last time, we tried out  a handful of apparel re-fab projectsattended a fashion showinterviewed a fashion designer, and even performed a makeover. Stay tuned to find out what this time around will bring!

Lots of love,