1680 x 1050 / 1440 x 900 / 1280 x 1024 / 1024 x 768 / iphone4 / iphone5 / phone I don’t know about the weather where you are, but in my neck of…

1680 x 1050 / 1440 x 900 / 1280 x 1024 / 1024 x 768 / iphone4 / iphone5 / phone I don’t know about the weather where you are, but in my neck of…
One of my very favorite Christmas traditions is to make Almond Roca (sometimes called “English Toffee”) with my Mom. Our candy-making sessions often take a whole day, so we can make enough batches to give…
This project started out in one of the best ways possible. Sitting around on a Friday night at my in-laws’ house, my mother-in-law mentioned that someday she wanted to paint the bathroom cabinets to give…
Last week, Jess asked me for tips about mixing patterns, and so I’ve been thinking all week about what makes a look succeed or fail when multiple prints are at play. In fact, I’ve been…
Homemade chicken noodle soup is a cornerstone of comfort food for me, and I know I’m not alone. Just the thought of it brings up memories of being inside on chilly fall days helping Mom…
I really like how this Makeover Monday series pushes me to look at everyday objects and think about their uses and how they can be spiced up. Right now, I’m living in a temporary location…
Question from Jess: What are your favorite fashion trends right now? Answer: This question is tricky for me, because I don’t really know what is trendy. Sure, some of the magazines I read have those feature…
I could (and sometimes do) eat breakfast for every meal in a day. I just love everything about breakfast: how it can be sweet or savory, or even both at the same time. Plus, how…
After completing my Master’s program in August, I have been wrapped up in a baking frenzy. Luckily, my friends and family have indulged this new passion and let me bake things for them (good for…
Question from Jess: Are jean skirts and dresses acceptable to wear to work? I’ve also seen a lot of cute outfits with skirts and the chambray shirt, what do you think about that in a business…
Sometimes painting my nails doesn’t even seem worth the effort because I know I’ll end up chipping the polish within 48 hours. Then I’ll just be the lady walking around with chipped nail polish…because you…
Jess and I have been lucky to be surprised with the pregnancies of two of our best lady-friends recently: Mariko and Erin. We are over the moon with joy for both of them (and their…
1680 x 1050 / 1440 x 900 / 1280 x 1024 / 1024 x 768 / iphone4 / iphone5 / phone Autumn is upon us, which I’m having a hard time believing because we happen…
As Jess mentioned last week, we are starting a brand new series here at Sweet Athena called “Q&A Sundays” in which we will be answering each other’s questions through weekly posts. Because we’re in the…
Since seeing Jess and lots of other crafty people use bleach to create a design on t-shirts, I have been looking to try the technique myself. The primary issue I’ve been having lately in doing…
The more I become fixed into this stage called “adulthood,” the stranger it seems sometimes. I’ve been thinking a lot lately about how growing up forces changes in my relationships with family members. People with…
Sometimes I stumble across a recipe that is so utterly perfect that I can’t help but applaud it. Alton Brown’s Southern Biscuits Recipe is one of these magical finds. Dale and I came across it…
It’s been two years since Jess and I announced our blog format of adopting a theme to guide our posts for three months at a time. Since then, we have delved in to areas such…
1680 x 1050 / 1440 x 900 / 1280 x 1024 / 1024 x 768 / iphone / phone It’s baaaack! Go ahead and fancy up your computer screen with this hot ‘lil number. Just…
Hello! Lindsey here. It has certainly been a while since we’ve talked. While Jess has been busy posting about all of the wonderful projects and foods she has been making, I have been swamped with…