At A Glance: O’s Game

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I basically know very little, bordering on nothing about baseball. But that didn’t stop me from wanting to go to an Orioles game with my Dad and some friends a couple of weeks ago. It was a middle of the week, day game, and can I just say those are pretty fantastic. Drinking beer, eating junk food, while you know everyone else is at work, it just feels a little naughty. It added to that magical feeling of doing something special that we all experienced as kids, but have to work a little harder to achieve as an adult. Rule breaking, or even just feeling like you are breaking the rules, I’ve discovered that is a great way to keep that feeling alive.

As for the game, I’m hoping to go to more this season, check out the vibe of an evening game. I even understand a touch more about baseball after my first game. Although, I will admit that another one of my favorite parts was the stadium, Camden Yards. I have no idea if this is a baseball stadium thing or a Camden Yards thing, but they had old logos of the O’s all over the stadium, along with this beautiful clock over the score board and it added a vintage vibe to the place. Yes, I realize I’m talking about how much I loved the logos at a baseball game, what can I say, that’s my style.