At A Glance: A Day


I think I might experiment with a couple of photo challenges to help push me to keep up with practicing my photography skills. I’ve seen a lot of bloggers document their day by photographing one thing they do every hour. Here’ s my shot in the dark at it. In retrospect I shouldn’t do it on a day that I should be writing a paper due in two days. It did break up the writing for me though.

9 am: My new favorite breakfast. An excuse for mustard in the morning, yes please.


10 am: Knitting a baby hat with my volunteer group. We hang with senior citizens and knit, it is basically the best.


11 am: Did I mention that there was dessert this week? Like I said, the best.


Noon: Finally feeling like spring is here to stay.


1 pm: Have you read this? You should. 20 years later and the problems are the same.


2 pm: If you told me I had to work without tea I would cry. Not for the loss of caffeine, but because I love the ritual of drinking it while I work.


3 pm: Break from the school work to hang for a moment on the roof.


4 pm: Checking out the Privateer Festival in the neighborhood.


5 pm: I have once again fallen back in love with running.


6 pm: Glaming up to go hit on some hot women in D.C.



2 Responses

  1. Sasha

    April 26, 2013 8:20 pm

    I love this idea! What a great way to improve on photography skills while documenting all the amazing little things in life!

  2. Jess

    April 27, 2013 8:18 am

    Thanks Sasha! I certainly can’t claim it as my own, but it is a great way to document the everyday in life. Would be fun to see you do it on your site.

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