Adventures: Summer Bucket List



Summer technically started just a few days ago, but I feel like it has been rushing by for weeks now. The days may be long, but they are flying by in a flash for me. One way to prevent Labor Day from showing up and feeling like everything passed by too quickly is to make a bucket list for the summer. It doesn’t have to be long and involved, just a way for you to stop and remember the fun things you have been itching to do for the past 9 months and then you know, actually do them. My list is a lot of new things to try, since this is my first summer in Baltimore. Overall, I like the idea of making a list that mixes traditions with new things to try.

Summer To-Do List:
1. Go to a U-pick produce farm (Strawberry picking wasn’t enough for one season!)
2. Attend an Outdoor Movie
3. Day trip to Ocean City
4. Make homemade ice cream bars
5. Visit New York City for a weekend
6. Make a playlist for the summer
7. Take a water taxi
8. Host a BBQ at my place for a few friends
9. Find watering holes around Maryland to spend my afternoons at
10. Read 5 books for fun- This lovely has been on my nightstand for too long. Any other suggestions?

Summer bucket and to-do lists are no new concepts around the blogging world, this is just my first time trying it out. I’m already convinced it is a wonderful idea and think that each season should be celebrated with a small list of must-dos. Do you make lists of seasonal things to do? Do you prefer to focus on trying new things or traditions?


 Cheers Summer!


4 Responses

  1. Sues

    June 26, 2013 7:08 am

    Great list! I haven’t been to an outdoor movie in basically forever and need to add that to my list. My list in my head that basically consists of relaxing a lot and cooking a lot 🙂

    • Jess

      June 26, 2013 1:17 pm

      Cooking a lot, always a great summer bucket list item! So much fresh produce to try out this time of year.

  2. Ashley

    June 28, 2013 7:57 am

    I definitely want to read more this summer! And I love lists like this. Pandora has some great “summer” themed playlists right now that have totally inspired me to make my own. I listen to them as I’m at work and write down my favorites then add them to a list. 🙂

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